General introduction

General introduction

Established in 2012 with the goal of becoming a leading company in Vietnam in the field of high-tech agriculture, Toan Tam Uyen's main activities are providing construction solutions, operating the farms, and providing high quality, clean food to consumers. With more than 10 years of continuous efforts, Toan Tam Uyen has achieved many outstanding achievements, becoming a valued partner of many domestic and foreign companies, including CP Group Thailand with local division in Vietnam being CP Vietnam Livestock Company.

Targeting Vietnam as a potential market and a foundation for development to other countries in the region, over the years, we have invested in many livestock and farming projects with a total investment of nearly 500 billion dong.

Technically, with the most advanced modern technology line today, together with a team of experienced technical experts for research & development of solutions in construction, animal husbandry and cultivation, Toan Tam Uyen has carried out technical cooperation, researched new and improved agricultural technologies in order to bring to the market high quality products that are suitable for the needs of Vietnamese and overseas consumers. On top of this, environmental protection and sustainability are also our key criterions in the construction, operation and production of the company.